Cartiera proposes a production model in which social sustainability and environmental sustainability are combined with the valorisation of the territory in which it operates, in the Bolognese Apennines.

Cartiera is a sustainable fashion initiative: it promotes the labour inclusion of people in disadvantaged conditions and the circular re-use of materials.



Cartiera’s priority objective is the employment of refugees, asylum seekers, the unemployed and the disabled, with the aim of combating the risk of social exclusion and exploitation of workers.

Cartiera also wants to contribute to reducing waste in the fashion and automotive industries with a view to the circular economy: through the recovery of high-quality leather otherwise destined for disposal, Cartiera makes leather accessories made in Italy using ancient craftsmanship techniques modernised by the most up-to-date logic of upcycling.



Cartiera workshop offers a type of production that, due to its social and environmental sustainability characteristics, can fit into the value chain of companies, in line with the corporate sustainability reporting obligation defined by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD of 16/12/2022.


Through its work, Cartiera seeks to contribute to 9 of the 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations for 2030:

Cartiera offers works to people facing economic hardship, including migrants and asylum seekers.
The individual training and journeys of its employees are at the heart of Cartiera.
Cartiera guarantees respectable working conditions and incentivises long-term, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
Cartiera produces innovation and promotes responsible industrialisation.
Cartiera contributes to the social cohesion of its local community and works in partnership with the Ethical Fashion Initiative, a United Nations program which promotes the development of countries from which migrants originate
Cartiera has opened its doors
in an area struck by depopulation and by the economic crisis. Its local presence helps to make the area more inclusive, safe and sustainable.
Cartiera ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Cartiera respects the environment by using leftovers from production chains which would otherwise be disposed of.
Cartiera works within an
international network that considers migrations as a part of a circular process of development.

Headquarter: Via Lama di Reno, 34
Marzabotto (Bologna) – Italia
Pop-up store: Via Boldrini 14/G, Bologna

(+39) 344.0196381

Photo © Francesco Guidicini and Team Cartiera